First create an authorization callback activity inside the Android assets folder:
namespace MauiApp6.Platforms.Android
[Activity(NoHistory = true, LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTop, Exported = true)]
[IntentFilter(new[] { Intent.ActionView },
Categories = new[] { Intent.CategoryDefault, Intent.CategoryBrowsable },
DataScheme = "ultranomadic")]
internal class AuthCallbackActivity : WebAuthenticatorCallbackActivity
public override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState, PersistableBundle persistentState)
base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState, persistentState);
Modify the AndroidManifest.xml file to include this query node inside the manifest node.
<action android:name="" />
Finally, use the web authenticator to login.
WebAuthenticatorResult authResult = await WebAuthenticator.Default.AuthenticateAsync(
new Uri(""),
new Uri("ultranomadic://"));
string accessToken = authResult?.AccessToken;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
var json = client.GetStringAsync("").Result;